Thursday, February 1, 2007

What do we do?

Bethany here. And it occurred to me that we haven't shared what it is we actually do. Drumroll please... We are Advancement Ink, a strategic communications firm. In other words, we write content to achieve the goals of our clients. It might be federal grants, proposals to corporations or private foundations, or promotional materials such as brochures and newsletters. In addition, we conduct cost studies and analyses of client organizations to determine how they can better allocate (and maximize) their resources.

I want to refer back to my mom's first post for a moment to tell you how we came up with the idea for Advancement Ink. My mom decided to retire in June of 2004 from the world of higher education. She spent many successful years in administration, dealing specifically with budgeting, financial planning, facilities, and various other (major) functions of a university. I knew she wasn't really ready to give up her career, but instead was looking for more (well deserved) flexibility in her daily life.

I too was entering a new phase in my life as a mom. And while I enjoyed my job and the work it entailed (I was doing corporate and foundation fundraising for a major research university), I too was really looking for a little more flexibility.

We talked and talked about how we could mesh our strengths and talents into a business. And voila, Advancement Ink was born. Drawing from our experience in higher education and the non-profit world, we knew that there was a real need for solid communicators with grant and proposal writing experience.

Time and resources are stretched thin at most universities and non-profit organizations. Staffs are fully engaged in their organization's work and don't always have the time to complete grant applications and follow the fundraising maze. And what an important process it is. It takes time, attention to detail, and lots of follow up.

We believe that hiring a firm like Advancement Ink makes great economic sense. There is no need to hire writers on staff. Save those positions and hire writers only when you need them. We can supplement staff in peak times, or provide our clients with a turn-key solution. In addition, our cost studies and resource analyses help clients operate more efficiently and maximize their funds. It's a great combo!

So there you go. This is what we do. Check out our Web site for more information on us and Advancement Ink. And we are never too busy to provide free project estimate for you and your referrals.

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